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It was a perfect thrill and illumination from beginning to end. many grooves, which is apparently how the trio’s name came about. But not your ordinary grooves; no, not at all.

The skill and precise interaction of the three women was extraordinary, and every sound had musical significance. Using a wide array of Korean instruments they made music of great melody and internationally accessible sense.

Andrew Cronshaw / RootsWorld (Magazine & Radio)
​groove& frame their approach as 'percussion's meaningful rebellion; female percussionists are rare in Gugak traditions, and they activate their diverse range of instruments to add their ancient voices to the pulsing beats of the 21st century. With performance pieces based around themes they create, through intricate arrangement and improvisation, a delicate yet sensuous sound.

Neal Copperman / Executive Director of AMP Concerts
Egyszerűen bámulatos, mennyire sokoldalú a trió, milyen változatos lett ez a lemez, és mennyire jól szól. Ezt tilos háttérzeneként hallgatni, tessék rászánni az időt, mert csak így van esély minden apró részletet felfedezni, az ezernyi hangot, ötletet befogadni. Számukra teljesen természetes, hogy a visszafogott gongütéstől a teljes erővel püfölt dobokig mindenre képesek – sosem öncélúan, hanem az adott kompozíció igényének megfelelően.
[ENG] It's simply amazing how versatile the trio is, how diverse this record has become, and how well it sounds. It is forbidden to listen to this as background music, take your time, because this is the only way to discover every little detail, to absorb the thousands of voices and ideas. It's completely natural for them to be able to do everything from a restrained gong strike to a full force blown drum - never for their own sake, but in accordance with the needs of the given composition.

Tamas Galgoczi / editor-in-chief (
Drei Ladies aus Südkorea zeigen, wie Synchron- und Trio-Trommeln in Höchstperfektion und in rasenden Tempi inkl. Variationen nach spätestens vier Takten klingt: Überwältigend! Das Trio groove& bot geschickte Dynamik im Aufbau der Songs, Witz und Überraschung im Arrangement, und höchste Beherrschung der Instrumente. Ich hatte noch nie einen funky Gong gehört – bis gestern!
[ENG] Three ladies from South Korea show how synchronized and trio drums sound in maximum perfection and in breakneck tempi including variations after four bars at the latest: Overwhelming! The trio groove& offered skilful dynamics in the structure of the songs, wit and surprise in the arrangement, and the highest mastery of the instruments. I had never heard a funky gong - until yesterday.

Soothing, light, joyous, playful, spirited and ear-catching, this trio of gentle ladies is admireable for its contagious passion of rhythmic explorations as abstract ideas like 'knowledge', 'happiness' or even 'intensity' dance throughout the music produced. Charming and hypnotic !

Gavin Poonoosamy / Director of MAMA JAZ
'groove& ', a trio of Korean Traditional Trio consisted of only woman, has great potential for success in world music market. Their music is unique and different from any other music in the world.
The individual performances are excellent, and the ensemble is flawless. I expect them to become long-loved long-sellers on the international music market.

Junghun LEE / General Director of Seoul Music Week